Posted on 2/15/2023

Are you looking at Jaguars for your next car? If so, you have probably wondered about what to expect regarding issues, repairs, and regular maintenance. Down below, you will find six of the most commonly occurring problems in Jaguars and their symptoms so you can catch them in time. We will also give you a couple of tips and recommendations to prevent them. 1. Engine Issues One of the most common issues in Jaguars occurs in the engine - specifically, the timing chain mechanism. To further explain the problem, we will have to look at the plastic tensioner, which keeps the right amount of pressure on the timing chain and sprockets. It often breaks and wears out, making it the cause of the problem. 2. Transmission Problems Jaguars are infamous for their transmission problems. Almost all of them nowadays are equipped with an automatic transmission which fails because of one main reason - issues with the double changing gears. 3. Electrical System It's common for the electri ... read more